El Chubbo Grande 2013

Amazing but true: the Fort Collins winter "fat ass" race El Chubbo Grande had its FOURTH annual running this year. It's awesome whenever one person's idea of a fun winter 50k takes off and becomes a community tradition.

I manned (womaned?) the aid station at the Arthur's Rock Trailhead today, and took photos of the badasses coming through who ran the full 50k. It was a COLD day, and yet these hardy folks were out there giving this tough course their best efforts.

Kudos to all!

Justin, looking hardcore with frosty eyelashes, is the first runner through.

Justin, looking hardcore with frosty eyelashes, is the first runner through.

Josh "Frosty Beard" is looking strong and swift.

Josh "Frosty Beard" is looking strong and swift.

Nick, the RD of this crazy event, makes it all look easy in his ski mask.

Nick, the RD of this crazy event, makes it all look easy in his ski mask.

Ryan cruises in on Nick's heels, looking heroic in these icy conditions.

Ryan cruises in on Nick's heels, looking heroic in these icy conditions.

Jenn is the first woman through Arthur's, and looks ready to go another thirty miles.

Jenn is the first woman through Arthur's, and looks ready to go another thirty miles.

Alex cruises through at a brisk pace in this brisk weather.

Alex cruises through at a brisk pace in this brisk weather.

Chris muses, "Hey, it's actually not THAT cold," as he and Stuart refuel.

Chris muses, "Hey, it's actually not THAT cold," as he and Stuart refuel.

Stuart rockets into the aid station as if this is a 10k in the park.

Stuart rockets into the aid station as if this is a 10k in the park.

John cruises into Arthur's, ready for the home stretch!

John cruises into Arthur's, ready for the home stretch!

Rocque is looking strong too, as he and John get back on the trail to finish the 50k.

Rocque is looking strong too, as he and John get back on the trail to finish the 50k.

Mike has what it takes to keep pushing strongly to the finish. Go, Mike!

Mike has what it takes to keep pushing strongly to the finish. Go, Mike!

Andy toughs it out and is still going strong despite a sore hip. Nice work, Andy!

Andy toughs it out and is still going strong despite a sore hip. Nice work, Andy!

Great job out there, runners. See you on the trail!